The Story of a Seed
Once upon a time there was a seed buried in the cold sticky mud deep in the ground. It did not know who it was or why it was here in this dark, foreign place. For a very long time the little seed was feeling lost, sad, and lonely, wondering if its life was a…
Acoustics For Healing Heart Cells – Stanford University Study
Research at Stanford University is finding acoustics to create new heart tissue! This image shows the ‘cymatics’, or geometric patterns created in heart cells when applying various sounds. In bio-acoustic sound medicine, is taught that sounds are imprinting every cell and science continues to prove this ancient axiom. Cardiologist Sean Wu, MD, PhD and Utkan…
New Earth
“Earth 114 million years ago, one morning just after sunrise: The first flower ever to appear on the planet opens up to receive the rays of the sun. As the consciousness of human beings developed, flowers were the first thing they came to value that had no utilitarian purpose for them, that is to say,…
The New Year – Awakening The Creator Within
“And now we welcome the New Year, full of things that have never been!” ~Rilke “Always good… every year… and every day… 2023 I welcome and bless you and all the experiences that await. May I love deeply, May I Bring Joy to mine and others lives. May I heal any and all residues of…
What It Means To Care For Each Other
“A professor gave a balloon to every student. Each of them had to inflate it, write their name on it, and throw it into the hallway. The professor then mixed all the balloons and the students were given 5 minutes to find their own balloon. Despite a hectic search, no one found their balloon. At…
Winter Solstice: A Time of Peace and Reflection
The winter solstice time is no longer celebrated as it once was, with the understanding that this is a period of descent and rest, of going within our homes, within ourselves and taking in all that we have been through, all that has passed in this full year which is coming to a close… like…
To Love Others You First Must Love Yourself
Popular culture is focused on attracting love, yet you’ll only be able to receive as much love as you give to yourself. You’ll deflect or guard love that doesn’t resonate with you – like a compliment you don’t believe. The opposite is also true. You’ll allow others to abuse you a bit less than you…
The Dance
The Dance by Oriah Mountain Dreamer I have sent you my invitation,the note inscribed on the palm of my hand by the fire of living.Don’t jump up and shout, “Yes, this is what I want! Let’s do it!”Just stand up quietly and dance with me.Show me how you follow your deepest desires,spiraling down into the…
Spread-Love-Meditation and Its Astonishing Effects
“I’d like to let you know about an initiative to spread love called GOLOVE-20. Now we feel it’s time to take out into the world and it’s a really simple process. Think of someone you love and care about and write them a text, send an email or do an audio/video recording telling them what…
The 95%-5% Principle
Do you know 95% of our mind is sub-conscious mind and only 5% is conscious?Unfortunately our sub-conscious mind is loaded with memories, memories and memories of the past ! Most of these memories which we harbour are low vibrational memories and are the reason why people keep on repeating same behavioral patterns again and again….
7 Fundamental Life Principles based on 7 Primary Words
Boundaries: We mark boundaries to establish where we draw the line. If challenged, this is where we make our stand—to confront and engage. Identity :By the contours of our boundaries, we give definition to who we are. ‘Who am I?’ is a series of creative decisions, rather than simply an uncovering of something hidden.Choice: It…
Beautiful Heart Lake, Ontario, Canada
Heart Lake is a small lake located in the northern part of Brampton, Ontario and it has the perfect shape of a heart. The lake itself is found in the 418 acre-Heart Lake Conservation Area in which trees are planted every year by students from the local elementary schools. There are numerous biking and running…
Incredible Art: A Vision Of Unity and Connection By A 13 Old
Anja Rožen, a 13-year-old girl from Slovenia, has a vision of what unity and connection look like. Anja brought that vision to life through her art, earning her the grand prize in the Lions Clubs International Peace Poster Contest. She was chosen among 600,000 children from all over the world. “My poster represents the earth…
“A Note To My Son”
“Every extraordinary man – and you as such , had become great because he had chosen to learn and evolve, embrace and make the most out of every difficult circumstance instead of closing his heart and turning his back to life challenges. Should he stayed the same, bathed in the stale waters of comfort and…
Kafka And The Traveling Doll
One year before his death, Franz Kafka was walking through Steglitz Park, in Berlin. This was his daily walking route, but today took a different turn as he found a little girl crying heartbroken. She had lost her doll. To calm her down Franz first helped look for the doll. Eventually realising that they would not find it, Franz told the little girl that the doll…
Master Your Life: The Language of The Brain
Brainwaves are electrical impulses in the brain and they are measured in cycles per second or hertz (Hz).. An individual’s behavior, emotions, and thoughts are communicated between neurons within the brains and correspond with different brainwaves. So lets look at different Brainwaves: Beta Brainwaves 13-30 Hz : Waking state brainwaves produced by the conscious…
‘What’s Even The Point?’
“I’m in an airport, when suddenly I feel the chill in the air. What’s even the point? I’m about to fly to Milwaukee on a Tuesday afternoon, about to herd with other moderately intelligent apes into a tube that will spew a truly astonishing amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, in order to transport…
How To Find The Light in Your Worst Days
““Some years ago, I was stuck on a crosstown bus in New York City during rush hours. Traffic was barely moving. The bus was filled with cold, tired people who were deeply irritated with one another, with the world itself. Two men barked at each other about a shove that might or might not have…
Emotional and Human Consciousness Scale Explained
“The Map of Consciousness Explained: A Proven Energy Scale to Actualize Your Ultimate Potential” is a book written in by David R Hawkins MD., Phd., a widely known authority within the fields of consciousness research and spirituality, experienced clinician, scientist, and mystic The Levels of Consciousness Dr. David R. Hawkins, MD, PhD developed a “map”…
Crystal Grids: A Tool for Self-Empowerment, Healing, and Creation
There definitely seems to be a bit of a buzz around crystal grids at the moment. In response to many questions I have had lately, I think I need to explain here what a crystal grid is if you are completely new to this. What Is A Crystal Grid? (In A Nutshell) A crystal grid…
Art & Nature: Emerging of Environmental And Eco-Art
Art and the environment appeal to reason and feelings. What happens when we mix them? The answer is environmental art, a movement adopted by artists of different disciplines, who are inspired by nature or use it as a raw material, transmitting its beauty and encouraging us to take care of it. ART AND NATURE The…