New Earth
“Earth 114 million years ago, one morning just after sunrise: The first flower ever to appear on the planet opens up to receive the rays of the sun.

As the consciousness of human beings developed, flowers were the first thing they came to value that had no utilitarian purpose for them, that is to say, was not linked in some way to survival.
…The first recognition of beauty was one of the most significant events in the evolution of human consciousness. The feelings of JOY and LOVE are intrinsically connected to that recognition
… What could be heavier and more impenetrable than a rock, the densest of all forms? And yet some rocks undergo a change in their molecular structure, turn into crystals, and so become transparent to the light. Some carbons, under inconceivable heat and pressure, turn into diamonds, and some heavy minerals into other precious stones.

Most crawling reptilians, the most earthbound of all creatures, have remained unchanged for millions of years. Some, however, grew feathers and wings and turned into birds, thus defying the force of gravity that had held them for so long.
…Since time immemorial, flowers, crystals, precious stones, and birds have held special significance for the human spirit. Like all lifeforms, they are, of course, temporary manifestations of the underlying one Life, one Consciousness. Their special significance and the reason why humans feel such fascination for and affinity with them can be attributed to their ethereal quality.
… So when you are alert and contemplate a flower, crystal, or bird without naming it mentally, it becomes a window for you into the Formless. There is an inner opening, however slight, into the realm of spirit. This is why these three “enlightened” lifeforms have played such an important part in the evolution of human consciousness since ancient times.”
“New Earth”, ~Eckhart Tolle